"Laetitia Jacquetton Exhibition" will be held from 11/20 (Sat) to 11/24 (Wed) @ Uehara store
"Latitia Jaqueton Exhibition"
Laetitia Jacquetton Solo Exhibition
Held from 11/20 (Sat) to 11/24 (Wed) @ Uehara store!
Laetitia Jacquetton is a French female artist who has rapidly gained popularity in recent years for her unique flower vases that combine blown glass and stone. Her first solo exhibition in Japan will be held at FOOD FOR THOUGHT Uehara store for five days from November 20th to November 24th.
Latitia was a career woman who built a career in fashion at Martin Margiela and others and worked as an art director at Galeries Lafayette in Paris, but her life changed completely when she encountered blown glass while traveling in Okinawa. I chose to live as an artist as my third career. After that, he learned the technique of blown glass in Murano and Venice, Italy. We currently have workshops in France and Italy.
Her work consists of combining various "natural" stones she has collected from around the world with glass she blows herself. Of course, all pieces are one-of-a-kind. The fusion of the static and stable stone and the blown glass that matches the shape of the stone gives us a solemn sense of exhilaration, like finding a small waterfall in the forest. increase. As a nature lover, it goes without saying that she pays close attention to the surrounding environment when she collects rocks.
Another thing, Latitia's work makes us strongly aware of the "journey" that we have temporarily lost due to the corona crisis. For example, arranging Japanese flowers on stone that has been polished for hundreds of years in French riverbeds and Italian glass. With the inevitability of having elements that we would never have met without the artist's actions, they are now in our hands in Japan. It is an emotional moment as if one "journey" was completed in your hands.
We think of the store name ``FOOD FOR THOUGHT'' as ``notices and hints that make everyday life a little richer'', and Latitia's work is exactly FOOD FOR THOUGHT itself.
It is very meaningful for us to be able to introduce for the first time in Japan a group of works that serve as hubs for thought and communication, as flower vases on tables, as statement pieces for decorating interiors.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT Representative / Takahiro Igarashi
Latitia Jacquetton Solo Exhibition
At FOOD FOR THOUGHT Uehara store
From November 20th to November 24th, 2021
Reservation ticket system until 14:00 on the first day (reception closed)
After that, anyone can enter without a reservation.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT Uehara store 〒151-0064
2-33-4 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
蒂蒂西充・洛顿 /简历 (中文)
In his childhood , he passed through the first village in the country . At that time, my grandfather was searching for a tree forest, a moss , a red -footed wave, a torrent of rocks . After a long time , he dreamed of the world 's largest city filled with cultural treasures . Hurry up , the world's first exposure, the constant pursuit of new innovations, all kinds of work, such as the homeroom teacher of the old Buddha, and the madness of the Taiwanese fashion continues forever . fashionable.
Live in Paris , live in Hong Kong , or live in Hong Kong . It is made from a handcrafted product, and it is not just a simple design . Specially received Japanese aesthetics, especially the garden , the construction and handicrafts have a strong impact , and the first and the simplest elements to pursue . When I was in the studio, I tried blowing glass . This exciting new body has changed my life, and it's important for the blowing glass to come to this stage . Influenced by Soetsu Yanagi, the creator of popular sports , and used as a blowpipe blowing glass for study, this is a kind of challenging sexual technique that usually requires several years of study.
In the end, the second reason why I was successful was because I was still in Italy, and after learning to play the glass , I was in the middle of the law, and I was able to get the support of the most prominent master . Originating from the natural heat , it is used to collect "natural" rocks from the river bed and mountains, and never break the natural environment.
Laetitia Jaecquetton / Profile (ENGLISH)
Paris-based L æ titia Jacqueton spent her childhood in rural Burgundy, France, exploring the woods with her grandfather, picking mushrooms, and wading barefoot through sparkling rock-strewn torrents. Time moved slowly as she dreamed of the world 's grandest cities filled with cultural treasures. Giving in to this magnetic attraction, she found her way into fashion design, working for luminaries such as Sharon Wauchob and Martin Margiela . Soon propelled into the world, on a constant lookout for novel experiences, she took up various roles, such as art director for Galeries Lafayette , Paris. She gradually moved past the hysteria of runway collections and towards a more timeless approach to fashion.
Living and working in such fast-paced hubs as Paris , Milan or Hong Kong, Jacquetton regularly gravitated to the soothing, replenishing qualities of forests and mountains, to reconnect with the place humans occupy in nature. she derived from making objects beyond simply designing them. Her new quest leaned towards minimalist essentials since Japanese aesthetics, most notably gardens, architecture and artisan hand crafts were already a strong influence. She first had the chance to blow glass while exploring Okinawa. This new emotional experience was life-changing to the point that glassblowing instantly became a vital necessity. Mingei movements, Yanagi Sō etsu ' s writing — to approach glassblowing using traditional blowpipes, a challenging skill that typically takes years to learn.
Italy being her second home, Jacqueton furthered her glassblowing apprenticeship in Murano , Venice, and now works in studios in France and Italy , supported with the best masters . they were sourced.
Lætitia Jacquetton / Profil (Français)
Fran ç aise bas é e à Paris, L æ titia Jacquetton a pass é son enfance dans la campagne bourguignonne, parcourant la for ê t avec son grand-p è re, ramassant les champignons et traversant les rivi è res pieds-nu sur les Le temps passait lentement et elle r ê vait de grandes capitales et de culture. C é dant à cette attraction magn é tique, elle a emprunt é la voie du design de mode, travaillant pour des pr Voyageant en qu ê te d ' exp é riences, elle a jou é des r ô les vari é s, comme pour la Direction Artistique aux Galeries Lafayette Paris. Et puis elle a naturellement d é laiss é l ' hyst é rie des podiums et des tendances pour une approche plus intemporelle de la mode.
Vivant et travaillant dans des villes tr é pidantes comme Paris, Milan ou Hong-Kong, L æ titia Jacquetton se ressource r é guli è rement dans la montagne ou la for ê t, comme pour é prouver la place de l 'ê tre humain dans la nature . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ est influenc é e par une esth é tique japonaise , en particulier l ' art des jardins, l ' architecture et l ' artisanat. Elle a pu souffler du verre pour la premi è re fois en explorant Okinawa. Influenc é e par le mouvement Mingei et les é crits de Soetsu Yanagi , elle trouve le courage d ' aborder un artisanat dont l ' apprentissage difficile requiert des ann é es, le soufflage de verre traditionnel à la canne.
L ' Italy ayant toujours é t é s a seconde patrie , elle poursuit son apprentissage à Murano , Venise, et travaille aujourd ' hui dans des studios fran ç ais ou italiens, entour é e des meilleurs professionnels. Sa passion pour la nature l ' a conduite à choisir des pierres « sauvages » de montagne ou de rivi è re, soigneusement pr é lev é es sans endommager de site naturel.