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FOOD FOR THOUGHTの「カフェオレボウル」Sサイズが6/12(土)21:00発売です!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT's "Cafe au lait bowl" S size will be released on 6/12 (Sat.) at 21:00!

Following the previous day's "Oval Plate", the most popular product "Cafe au lait bowl" will also be added to the new S size, which has been highly requested. Along with this, the name of the previ...

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FOOD FOR THOUGHTの「オーバルプレート」が3サイズ展開になり6/4(金)21:00発売!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT's "Oval Plate" will be available in 3 sizes and will be released on 6/4 (Fri.) at 21:00!

At FOOD FOR THOUGHT, we have received a great deal of support from our unique perspective on developing tableware that "would have been nice to have but never existed until now." THOUGHT series. In...

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