Kota Arinaga / Kota Arinaga
Kota Arinaga, a glass artist who works in Notojima.
Arinaga's work teaches the viewer that glass is liquid. The forms he creates are organic, gentle, and completely effortless, and I feel the necessity that everything was born from the flow of circular motion. Rather than forcibly adjusting the shape, you can receive such a feeling from every work that the glass has settled into its shape by itself, as if the glass is happy. Mr. Arinaga is an expert at breathing life into glass.
The signature "gaze" series is an excellent group of works that will surprise you with their production methods and sigh at their beauty. He is a notable artist whose reputation as an artist will increase more and more from now on.
Kota Arinaga Biography
1978 Born in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture
1998 Short-term study abroad at Frauenau Summer Academy (Germany)
2001 Glass Craft Course, Faculty of Arts, Kurashiki University of Science and Technology
2001-2003 Staff at Shikinosato Glass Studio (Fukushima Prefecture)
2004-2009 Niijima Glass Art Center (Tokyo) Staff
2009-2011 Worked as a freelance writer based in Notojima
2011-2016 Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo Glass Workshop Specialist
2017 Established home workshop kotaglass in Notojima