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角田淳、juntsunoda, FOOD FOR THOUGHT, フードフォーソート、個展情報、代々木上原、西荻、千駄ヶ谷、器の店、器屋、うつわ、器ギャラリー

"Atsushi Tsunoda Exhibition" will be held from 20th to 22nd February at the Uehara store!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Uehara store will hold the first solo exhibition of ceramic artist Jun Tsunoda from February 20th (Sat) to February 22nd (Mon), 2021! Mr. Tsunoda's work is loved by many customers,...

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「大谷哲也 展」2/13~15@西荻店で開催です!

"Tetsuya Otani Exhibition" will be held from February 13th to 15th @ Nishiogi!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Nishiogi will hold a solo exhibition by ceramic artist Tetsuya Otani from Saturday, February 13, 2021 to Monday, February 15, 2021. This is Mr. Otani's first solo exhibition at our...

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Midori Uchida's works will be handled

FOOD FOR THOUGHT will start handling works by Midori Uchida. I want to deliver it to everyone all over the country, so I'm introducing it at the online shop. We have been paying attention to Mr. Uc...

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Naoto Okada's works will be displayed at the Uehara store on 1/9 and 1/10

Clear is the perfect word. Naoto Okada, a ceramic artist who has many enthusiastic fans in the warm and poetic world of white, has delivered a wide variety of works. The more you look at it, the mo...

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1st "Early Spring Rinka Exhibition" 1/23-1/25 @ Uehara Exhibition

The FOOD FOR THOUGHT Uehara store will hold a special exhibition "Early Spring / Rinka Exhibition" for three days from January 23rd (Sat) to January 25th (Mon). The 1st "Early Spring / Rinka Exhibi...

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Yuichi Takemata's "Bread Knife" Pre-sale only at our store!

A new bread knife from Yuichi Takemata, a popular metal craftsman in Kanazawa, will be available at our online shop! Pre-sale only at FOOD FOR THOUGHT ahead of other stores. For the time being, you...

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ガラス作家・永木 卓さんの作品の取り扱いを始めます!

We will start handling the works of glass artist Taku Nagaki!

Hello, at FOOD FOR THOUGHT, Nagano Prefecture will start handling the works of glass artist Taku Nagaki, who is producing in Matsumoto City! We received a large number of inquiries about Mr. Nagaki...

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